Experiment Erde beleuchtet die Schattenseiten im Hafen
Experiment Erde beleuchtet die Schattenseiten im Hafen
Frühlingsklänge am Hochrad
Frühlingsklänge am Hochrad
Gymnasium Hochrad  ›   Aktuelles  ›  Social Science   ›  Life on Earth S4 hosts IVK students and learns a lot about starting a new life

Life on Earth S4 hosts IVK students and learns a lot about starting a new life

5. Mai 2017

Social Science

In our last lessons in April we were not only busy with Abitur revision but also learned a lot about the IVK students (from Internationale Vorbereitungsklasse), who were willing to reveal some very personal stories about their arrival and life in Germany and their efforts to learn German and build a future in our country. Some very moving details made us aware of the cosy homes and luxury we live in. But other aspects also indicated at the school life of the IVK students being rather normal compared to that of all other Hochrad students, characterized by looking forward to lessons in favourite subjects, feeling rather miserable about grammar exercises, and enjoying breaks to socialize with other students. Now we have been able to join in and chat with them and make the IVK students feel a little more welcome and integrated at our school.
