Still Life Painting
Still Life Painting
„Hyper!“ Kunstlabor – Hochrad in den Deichtorhallen
„Hyper!“ Kunstlabor – Hochrad in den Deichtorhallen
Gymnasium Hochrad  ›   Aktuelles  ›  Art   ›  Art goes Music

Art goes Music

10. Juli 2019


Inspired by the Deichtorhallen exhibition “Hyper! A journey into art and music“ the S2 Art course of Mrs Baigent developed their own take on music related works. Each of these models for a room installation deals with a specific part of the great musical experience. These works range from a particular composer or piece to the dream like state of listening to relaxing music. Some installations deal with the scientific side as for example what goes on in the brain while listening to music, others focus on specific genres such as gaming music or even the musically hightened emotions of loss and absence.
