Forschung an der Universität – Mikroplastik
Forschung an der Universität – Mikroplastik
Stadtentwicklung am Beispiel der Wasserversorgung
Stadtentwicklung am Beispiel der Wasserversorgung
Gymnasium Hochrad  ›   Aktuelles  ›  Art   ›  Home Office Art Competition 2020

Home Office Art Competition 2020

28. März 2020


Due to Corona virus, instead of having normal lessons, the students from some of our Art courses are taking part in a special competition to avoid going crazy from all the unchanneled creativity. Each week there will be a new theme and a winner.

The first week’s topic was “HOME OFFICE”.

Everybody in Mrs. Baigent’s year 8, 9 and 10 Art courses had the chance to participate. Over 40 artworks in all kinds of media were handed in. The winning entry this week came from a student in year 10 who will also receive a special Art fun package prize sent by post and Corona free to his home. He rebuilt his home office out of elements people typically hoard these days, like toilet paper, storable food and cough tablets.

Four of Mrs. Brunnert’s year 7 classes also took part with some amazing results. You can see how different their take on the situation is – from being stuck in a timeless bubble to home schooling the pets. Well done!

So, stay at home, be inspired and get creative, too, and look forward to next week’s entries about “NEWS”.
