On Friday, the 8th of April, the profile course Life on Earth S2 and some students from the profile course Living in a Global Village were invited to an event called „Europa verstehen“, where students could discuss Europe’s future. After a short and informative introduction by the head of the responsible foundation (Schwarzkopf Stiftung Junges Europa + TUI Stiftung) the Staatsminister for Europe Micheal Roth portrayed how the future of Europe could look like especially regarding the immense challenges in the form of the refugees and the lacking cooperation among the members of the EU. After his presentation, students could ask their questions with the background knowledge we had from the course we attended beforehand. Michael Roth answered them and also let students discuss about them. Finally Michael Roth directed an appeal to the more than 150 guests and students, who actively participated in this project „Europa verstehen“:„Deswegen braucht Europa jetzt dringend Mitmacher und Mutmacher wie Sie. Das heißt mitnichten kritiklos gegenüber Europa zu sein. Es geht vielmehr darum, sich aktiv einzubringen und einzumischen in Europa – kritisch, aber stets konstruktiv. […] Wer Europa auch im Alltag lebt, der versteht Europa am allerbesten!“
Article by Philine Tan