Have you ever wondered why they make you go to school all those years? Ever thought about the thousands of euros you could earn if you took on a job instead?
In our Economics course, you will find out that, even though there is no one answer to this question, you can figure out what you should do by applying some simple economic rules and models. We will explore the behaviour of individuals from an economic point of view and will discuss whether there is more to us than what the model of the so-called „homo oeconomicus“ makes us to be.
Got the new iPhone? Had a good look at the male model selling you a sweater at A&F?
You are not just a student but also a consumer who plays an important role in the market. There is a relentless competition between different companies trying to get your attention. In economics, we analyse these markets and find out how prices are set by supply and demand, and how they can be influenced.
Economics is taught as an elective course in year 10, and it is the core subject in the course of studies „Living in the global village„.